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So, I’m glad that you’ve finally understood the importance of copywriting and have decided to use a marketing copywriter for your next project. Three cheers for you!  Hiring a copywriter is indeed an excellent investment for your business. 73% of companies hire someone to do their content strategy (Content Marketing Institute). A highly skilled professional copywriter is capable of bringing a multitude of brilliant ideas to your table. In addition to this, they have the ability to deliver your key messages clearly to your target audience to sell your products or services to them using words only. And really, what’s more important than that?

But what does your copywriter need to know about your business? How do you brief them, so you can get the best from them? I’ll give you an understanding of this in this blog. Let’s begin!

Copywriters Aren’t Mind Readers

We understand that you may expect your copywriter to magically create compelling copies without telling them a lot. ‘However, let’s take a moment of truth.  Copywriters can surely do a lot of amazing things, but they can’t read people’s minds. And, in order to create a copy that will have a significant impact on your sales, you must tell them what you want, about your company, and who your target audience is.

So, whether you’re outlining your writer for a new sales brochure, a new advertising flyer, or a brand-new website, here’s what you should tell them before they begin:

1.   Tell Them What Copywriting Service Do You Need

This is the thing to begin your briefing with. Tell the copywriter what kind of copies you need. Whether you require seo-friendly web content or copy for an advertising flyer? I think this one may sound obvious and to be honest, it is, but I’ve seen cases where people lack in this area. So without saying any further on this, I’ll move to the next point.

2.   Tell Them About Your Business

Your marketing copywriter would need to have a firm understanding of your business to write compelling copies for it. Therefore, you’ll need to explain thoroughly what your company does along with your unique selling points and other details like who your main competitors are.

It’s also a good idea to provide your writer with as much information about your company as possible. Even old, stale content can be beneficial as far as it has information about your company. Since copywriters are highly creative people, they can turn that seed into a tree by watering it with their talent.

3.   Tell Them Who Your Audience Is

Another thing that you must be well aware of is that your copy has the sole purpose of motivating your target audience to purchase your product or service. And since your copywriter will be talking to your target audience, they’ll need to have a complete understanding of who they are. They’ll need to know who your usual customers are, what they want, where they live, and what you are offering them.

According to the Nielsen Norman Group, eye-tracking research of over a 20-year period confirms that most internet users only skim and skip around a webpage for relevant information. Considering this, it becomes crucial for a copywriter to write the copies in such a way that the audience finds them relevant.

4.   Tell Them What You Want To Achieve

A copywriter surely has creative skills near to superpowers, but it is you who sets the goals. For this reason, it is crucial that you keep them aware of your targets and the goals you want to achieve. Just like in any other aspect of life, you can’t achieve until you set your eyes firm on your goal.

To Wrap Up:

Working with a professional copywriter can boost your company’s profile and sales significantly. However, it is critical to provide a clear and detailed brief, or else your copy will turn out to be mediocre.