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Copywriting for your website is more than just stringing words together to show people what your company is all about. Good copywriting should reflect the values that your company holds while leaving a lasting impression on the viewers, eventually driving them to take the action you desire. Did I mention that all of this should be accomplished with clear, compact, and concise copy? Do you want to learn some interesting facts about copywriting dubai? You’ve come to the right place. I’ve compiled a list of copywriting statistics that you’ll undoubtedly enjoy.

1.   Eight Out Of Ten People Read The Headlines Only. (Copyblogger)

Imagine pouring your heart, sweat, and tears into creating a social media presence. You write your content with all the effort you can, yet, no one reads it. What’s going on? Ohh, dear! The headline is terrible. One of the world’s best advertisers once said that once you’ve written a headline, you’ve spent 80 cents of your dollar. In fact, 8 out of 10 people just read the headline and skip the rest. They keep scrolling if it isn’t captivating and personalized. This also means that only two out of every ten people will read the remaining copy. That is not acceptable for any business owner. A skilled copywriter can however help you target those 2 people. (2 out of 10 I mean, don’t worry!)

2.   Personalized Calls To Action Are 202 Percent More Effective. (Hubspot)

A call to action is a phrase that persuades the customers to call for availing the service/product. It could be to purchase a product, register, or schedule a free demo, for example. A call to action can range from one word to an entire sentence, and they are mandatory. Copy without a CTA is like a pizza without cheese. What’s the point?  However, they cannot be generic. I know that call to actions like “Buy now” or “Sign up today”  do work in several cases. However, nothing beats personalization. That is why personalized calls to action perform 202 percent better.

3.   74 Percent Of Web Readers Are Concerned With Spelling And Grammar (RealBusiness)

Branding is directly affected by the spelling and grammar used on a page. Consider yourself. What would you think if you were about to buy a product and the sales page was riddled with errors? Not very well, isn’t it? If they can’t put forth the effort to correct their spelling, they probably don’t put forth the effort to do anything else. That is one of a million possible responses from a customer. So, don’t be lazy to hire a skilled copywriter to get your web copy written by someone who knows the English language like the back of their hand.

4.   Readers Only Consume 20% Of The Content On A Page (Nielsen Norman Group)

Suppose you write a lovely blog post. It’s 3,000 words long and jam-packed with useful information. I’m afraid I’ll have to give you some bad news. Users will only read about 600 of the 3,000 words. This is because readers only consume about 20% of what is on a page.

Be truthful. We’ve all done it at some point. Many readers want a specific strategy or piece of information. Therefore, they scroll through the headers to find what they need before leaving. A copywriter can take care of this problem by formatting the content and dividing it into sections with compelling headings.

To Wrap Up:

We hope you found these stats interesting. After all, copywriting is an interesting subject indeed!

The essence of this blog was the significance of content writing services in uae in audience engagement. I hope you got the gist of it!