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Do you own a business? Or are you head of a department? If so, kudos to you, champ! You must be a great manager, organizer and certainly, a veteran of your field. We know you’re the person who has the potential to make things happen. Aren’t we right? So this takes us to the fact that you’re probably dealing with a lot and simply have no extra minutes to waste.

Considering this, taking the copywriting of your web pages and social media accounts into your own hands may not be a good decision. I’m not doubting your writing skills here, but let’s be honest for a moment, do you really think that with so much already to handle, you’d like to add another hassle to your to-do list? I’m pretty much sure you just wobbled your head. This is where a skilled copywriter can turn the tides for you. Let’s see how!

A copywriter creates clear, compelling communications

Do you know that according to Nielsen Norman Group, readers only consume 20% of content on a page? Keeping this in mind, it makes it mandatory for the content to be compelling, clear and effective.

It should be written in such a way that 20% of it is impactful enough to persuade the readers in favor of your business.  This is the first reason to engage a copywriter to write for your business.

Remember that you’re paying for the services of a skilled wordsmith — a person who knows the art of making every word count and is capable of making sure your messages embed in the mind of your audience. The way your messages are presented to your target audience is the key. For this reason, the messages must be clear and compelling, otherwise, your readers will become bored or confused and there it goes, you just lost yourself a lead.

Copywriters know the power of words and their particular nuances. And can transform an otherwise standard piece of copy into something that makes the reader sit up and take notice.

A copywriter is a connection creator

To get your audience to do something, it is very important that you build a connection with them through your content.

Since your business is being marketed to human beings and a copywriter knows how to connect to your target audience emotionally, this is the second reason why you should hire a copywriter.

A copywriter knows how to create connections, build relationships and get the results you want using emotional triggers. You may not know that personalized calls to action are 202% more effective (HubSpot). That is why the ability to create emotional connections with an audience is considered an art. An art that is valued well.

A copywriter understands the art of persuasion

I understand that most people are capable of writing reasonably well, but copywriting is something much more than being able to string a sentence together. It’s about being able to use those sentences to sell.

After all, we’re all emotional creatures who are moved by words and take buying decisions through our emotions. This is what a copywriter targets.

How many times have you found yourself searching for products online and rejecting a product because the description wasn’t good enough? I’m sure you can’t even count.

Looking at this from a business person’s POV, you’ll understand the importance of a compelling web copy. A good copywriter understands how people tick; they understand how to get an emotional response from the reader, and they know what will motivate them into action.

To Wrap Up:

All in all, it’s not all about how good your service or product is, it’s significantly dependent on how you present it. A freelance writer dubai knows the art of presenting your business to your target audience using the right words.