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Would you ever trust someone you are meeting for the first time? Definitely not! Trust has to be earned, which doesn’t happen in one day. The same applies to your website as well. Your products and services will only be recognized if you make them seem credible. It is impossible potential audience is just going to visit your site and start drooling over it. Want to get loyal customers? You need to EARN them!

The Nielsen Norman group conducted research of around 20+ years of tracking time. Do you know what they concluded? Most internet users only skip and skim around a webpage for relevant info. This means you must do something out of the box to engage your audience. So how do you do this? By impressive and effective copywriting!

Trust me, good copywriting can help you do so much. With few words, there is so much that can be said to the audience. It is not about big words but the kind of connections you form. As Oscar Wilde once said:

Oh Don’t use big words. They mean so little.

And that is exactly what I believe and do to deliver the best possible results to your brand. If you want to know more about what copywriters do that can greatly impact your business, scroll down to find out!

Copywriters Help Your Brand Achieve Greater Bounds!

1.   They Write In A Conversational Tone

So, answer me this. Who would you listen to more intently? Someone who is lecturing you or the one more interested in TALKING to you? Big words and long sentences are annoying. Your target audience wants to be wowed. And that can be achieved through making them feel like you are having a conversation with them.

This is not as simple as it looks. How do you converse with someone when they can’t even reply to you? Copywriters know all this really well and have years of experience. They are going to help your audience connect to customers in ways you never thought is possible.

2.   They Focus On The Reader

What is your main focus when you click on a website? Yourself, right? You want to know what’s in it for you. Wouldn’t it be so annoying if all you saw were ramblings on the website telling you how great they are? I, for one, would bounce off the site in an instance!

Copywriters know this and they write from the reader’s perspective. They don’t go on and on about how great the website is and instead, tell the audience what they want to know.

3.   They Know All The Tricks Of The Trade

A good copywriter knows how to make the content more engaging and appealing. They know all the right tricks to achieve this. For example, copywriters are really creative and come up with some innovative phrases that are sure to increase your customer base.

In addition, if you hire a copywriter, there is very less chance of grammatical mistakes in your content. Which is absolutely necessary. According to Agility PR solutions, copywriting errors decrease site visitors’ time on a landing page by 8% and increasing bounce rate by 85%. If I was a business, I’d be really worried by these stats.

If you choose to do all this yourself, you may create chaos. Copywriters know just when to add phrases, when to use bullets and when to write paragraphs.

If You Choose Me, I Will Create Something Amazing For You!

Not to brag, but I created a small brand a few years ago which has now become sort of a big deal. Over the years, I have been associated with some of the biggest brands and got small ones the recognition they deserved. Need an impressive copywriter? Hire me to get the sizzle AND the steak in your content!