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As you all know, digital content is everything in these modern and technological times. And quality content can help you achieve more traffic than ever. As a well-recognized marketing strategist, Lee Odden once said:

          Content isn’t King, It’s the Kingdom.

If you are a content writer, you have a very crucial job. And that is to write engaging and appealing digital content to increase engagement and boost sales. Most people are so focused on the kind of digital freelance content writer dubai that needs to be written that they sometimes tend to ignore how the content is consumed. And that, folks, is more important than you think!

Not All Your Content Will Be Read By People

The sad fact? No one is going to read all of your content. You may have spent hours over it and written it with much dedication, but still, a lot of it will go unread. Frustrating, right? But also true. According to the statistics of Go-Gulf, the average attention span dropped to 8 seconds compared to 12 seconds in 2000, and 55% of all page views get less than 15 seconds of attention. That is a very short time if you ask us!

Your audience is impatient and only wants the juicy bits of your content. This is why they will only skim your content to find pieces of information that interest them.

Fortunately for us, some smart and clever people have guessed the secret behind how people read the content, leading us to the F rule.

What Exactly Is The F Rule?

As pretty evident by its name, the F rule tells us how people read the content. They start by reading the top few lines of your content vertically, but soon, their eyes go down until something holds their curiosity.

It’s an unsaid rule that we read from left to right, so it is no secret that the audience’s eyes usually stay on the left side of the website. This is why you should keep this in mind while designing content and even while doing Creative Copywriter dubai to make it more effective.

Help Me Guide You For Insanely Good Results!

I have multiple tips and tricks up my sleeve to make your content more interesting and exciting. I focus on a variety of different elements in your content. To give you an idea, I have listed a few of them down. 

●     I Pay Extra Attention To The First Two Paragraphs

The F rule guides us to the fact that people read the first two paragraphs in much more detail than others. This is why they should be most engaging and appealing. I pay extra attention to the first two paragraphs and invest a lot of time in them so that your potential customers will be completely hooked on the website and not bounce off.

●     I Write In Bullet points

Your audience will be keener to read what you have written if you break down all the complex information into points. They will notice these while scanning the left side of the content and will be greatly interested in how you have chosen to get your point across in fewer and simpler wordings. And that is exactly where I come in. Breaking so much content into short points isn’t as easy as it seems. But I’ve been doing this for years and will provide you with some exceptional content.

●     I Make Shorter Paragraphs

How annoying would it be to read through so much information to find the focal point of interest? Most of us would probably bounce off the site! This is why it is vital to keep paragraphs short and concise. I do this without cutting out any key information and delivering the message in a few words.

How Will The F Rule Help Your Business?

To Wrap It Up

In short, if you want to engage your audience and amaze them through your writing skills, keep the F rule in mind. No matter the type of content, following this guide will come in handy.

As mentioned above, content is a whole kingdom. And to run it properly, you need to make better writing choices. Believe it or not, this will help you achieve levels of success you didn’t think possible.